A weekend of Metta (heart meditation)
A silent retreat offers a unique possibility to practice together, deepening your experiences and supporting the development of insight. Suitable for those relatively new to meditation, as well as for more experienced meditators.
In this weekend, we focus on the quality of metta, or friendliness. It is a powerful and supporting practice in challenging times, opening the heart. There will be talks on this theme and special practices.
What to expect of an online retreat
With the different covid rules and regulations everywhere, an online retreat offers the safety of your own place. There are of course some distinct differences between a group retreat on location and one at home. Instead of leaving home to practice in a secluded place, you are in your own place with an everyday surrounding. This can, however, be surprisingly powerful for the practice. Meditation at home means weaving in the practice into your daily life, on your own cushion, in your own bed and in your own kitchen, cooking your own meal. Most people have found this ‘bringing the practice home’ a profound and deepening experience. Before the start you will receive more information about the online format, plus tips on how to best prepare your place and yourself for retreat-life.
The retreat program will offer sitting and walking meditation and mindful movement, guidance as well as talks for inspiration. All with the focus on metta, or friendliness.
April 2-4, 2021
Friday, April 2 | 19:00 – 21:00 hrs
Saturday April 3 | 07:00 – 07:45 | 09:30 – 12:30 | 14:30 – 17:30 | 19:30 – 21:00
Sunday April 4 | 07:00 – 07:45 | 09:30 – 12:30 | 14:30 – 16:00 hrs
All times are CET (Central European).
Lot Heijke, meditation teacher and certified IMP trainer.
Online event:
You receive a Zoom link before the start of the program.
€175 (standard), €125 (reduced)