As humans, we are beings of social relationships and communication. These relationships can be a source of joy, appreciation, and fulfilment as much as a source of tension, judgement, conflict or fear. Much of the stress we experience originates in relationships.
Where stress creates disconnection, mindfulness is a powerful way to be in contact.
The Interpersonal Mindfulness practice helps us cultivate more awareness in relationships and develop a wiser way of being in contact with ourselves and others. It offers the opportunity to observe and release habitual ways of relating and take our practice “off the cushion” into everyday life.
Designed as a ‘follow-up’ program after the MBSR/MBCT training, the 8-week Interpersonal Mindfulness program offers a combination of solo meditation practice and practice in dyads, using the Insight Dialogue method as developed by Gregory Kramer.
This workshop is an introduction into interpersonal mindfulness. Even in this short period, it offers an opportunity to experience a deeper self-understanding, which creates attunement and can enhance our relationships. Individual meditation will be alternated with practice in pairs.
Requirement for participation : MBSR / MBCT course or similar previous meditation experience.
The full 8-week IMP will be offered online in the beginning of 2021. Participation in this introduction day is welcome, but not a requirement for attending the full 8-week IMP course.