A day of practice with Lot Heijke
May 6, 2022 Prague
10:00-12:30, 14:00-16:30 hrs
This workshop day offers an introduction into the practice of Insight Dialogue. Insight Dialogue is a relational meditation practice which helps to cultivate greater awareness and wisdom in our contacts and communication.
Most of our joys, and most of our stress arises in relationship with others. As we know, it is often challenging to maintain the calm and insights from our individual meditation practice. In contact and communication we are easily triggered, and stress makes us disconnect.
During this day of practice, gain more insight in human habits in relationship, and in how to release some of them. Even in this short period, this workshop offers an opportunity to experience a deeper self-understanding and connection, which can enhance our relationships. Individual meditation will be alternated with practice in pairs.
Requirement for participation : MBSR / MBCT course or similar previous meditation experience. When in doubt, please get in touch via email
What is Insight Dialogue?
Insight Dialogue is a meditative practice that was developed by Gregory Kramer. The program offers a combination of solo meditation and practice in dyads. It is a powerful way to take your practice “off the cushion” into your daily life.
Practical details
Friday May 6, 2022
10:00 – 12:30, 14:00 – 16:30 hrs CET
Lot Heijke, MBSR and meditation teacher.
For whom:
This workshop day welcomes people with meditation experience, such as an 8-week MBSR course or similar meditation styles.
Centrum Lotus, Praha
Czech Republic
This day is donation based.
A recommended minimum is CZK 250.
Register below to participate.