Mindful dialogue is a relational meditation practice: it helps to bring the insights and wisdom of our personal meditation into our interactions with others.

In this 6-week program we practice to be more present in our contacts and communication. To speak with clarity and kindness. And to listen deeply. To ourselves and to others.

Each session includes silent meditation and a specific theme. There will be individual meditations as well as practices in dyads or small groups. Six practices help us to bring more awareness in our dialogue with others: pausing – relaxation – opening – attuning to what emerges – deep listening – truthful speaking.

Mindful dialogue is based on Insight dialogue as developed by Gregory Kramer. This method is used in different formats: from workshops and retreats to the Interpersonal Mindfulness program, and this 6-week training. As Mindful Dialogue supports wisdom and connection in relationships, participants working with people, for instance as a teacher, coach, therapist or otherwise, might find the program especially helpful.


For whom:
this training welcomes people with (some) meditation experience, for MBSR or MBCT, or other mindfulness / meditation programs.

The program is offered online (Zoom). We ask you to connect via a device that rests on a solid surface during the sessions, and not via a handheld device. This provides a better connection for the whole group.

Dates and times:
October 14, 21 [no class Oct. 28], November 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2024.
Six Monday sessions from 19:30 – 21:00 hrs CET.

19:30 – 21:00 CET (Central European) which equals times in the following zones*:
20:30 – 22:00 EET (East European)
18:30 – 20:00 GMT (UK)
13:30 – 15:00 EST (US East coast)*
10:30 – 12:00 PST (US West coast)*

*Dailight saving time (summertime) starts and ends on different dates in different time zones. If you live outside of the central European timezone, please check times!


6 sessions on Mondays 19:30 – 21:00 hrs CET on the following dates*:

1. Mon October 14
2. Mon October 21
3. Mon November 4
4. Mon November 11
5. Mon November 18
6. Mon November 25

[no class Oct 28]

*Please note: the dates have been moved up by one week, starting now October 14.

Lot Heijke, mindfulness & meditation teacher.

Online training:
You receive a Zoom link before the start of the program.
