A one-year professional program.
Starting February 7-9, 2025
* Are you a planning to start as a supervisor or mentor?
* Or already supervising, but looking for more background and skills? Curious how to work with mindfulness in your sessions?
Join us in the upcoming Mindfulness Supervision training. A one-year international program. Learn to supervise, mentor and coach with your mindfulness practice as a basis, allowing your supervision to be effective and connected.
Supervision is a powerful instrument for ongoing professional and personal development. It is about supporting professionals to learn and grow in their work.
Reflection on experiences, challenges and successes is important in supervision. It supports greater awareness and understanding and leads to increased confidence and ease at work. Good supervision allows time and space to reflect on your practice, and to develop a wider perspective on your work and life. Read more about supervision.
This program welcomes:
- Mindfulness teachers who (wish to) supervise teachers of MBSR/MBCT or other MBP’s;
- Experienced meditators who wish to mentor others in their meditation practice and who look for a thorough certificate program to start supervision;
- Existing supervisors with a solid meditation practice who wish to bring mindfulness into their work.
Supervision is a profession in its own right. Becoming a supervisor is a process that requires time – time where you can develop and deepen your skills in the practice with colleagues. The training consists of three 3-day modules plus a refresher day in the course of one year. This gives you time to digest the program at ease, and the opportunity to practice in between the modules.
Module 1 provides the core skills to start practising supervision on your own. When giving your first supervision cycle, receive feedback and support in the peer-supervision with fellow participants. After Module 2, you supervise another professional, this time also receiving supervision (supra-vision) from one of the trainers in the program. Reflective writing is part of the assignments. Successful completion of all assignments leads to a certificate.
In the Mindfulness Supervision training, you learn different interventions and skills to facilitate clarity, to work from embodiment and compassion to keep the heart open, and to have a sharp eye for the mechanisms at work in the supervision process. Both supervisors and supervisees bring their life experiences, beliefs, and sometimes blind spots, to the session. As a supervisor it is important to recognize and understand these – and this is ongoing learning!
Definition, role and context of supervision – what is it, and how does it differ from teaching or therapy? – Basic theory of supervision and learning – Different interventions and styles – How to create a safe setting for your sessions – Contracting – Starting and ending supervision cycles – Embodiment – Inquiry – Relational themes – Supporting and challenging your supervisees – Anxiety and the Inner critic – Transference & Parallel process – Getting stuck and unstuck – Context of supervision, Stakeholders – Supervising experienced and starting professionals – Evaluating or Assessing teachers – Ethics and competition.
The international team teaching the program consists of Lot Heijke (The Netherlands), Günter Hudasch and Petra Meibert (Germany) and Camilla Sköld (Sweden); mindfulness teachers, trainers and supervisors with extensive and international teaching experience. Read more about us here.
The program welcomes experienced mindfulness teachers and meditators. (When in doubt, please get in touch to discuss.) Working knowledge of English is required, not perfection!
Steps in the registration process:
1. Fill in the application form,
2. Payment of the (non-refundable) registration fee of € 195. This payment counts towards the total program fee.
3. Intake session: getting to kow each other, background and motivation, room for questions, decision on participation.
4. Payment of the remainder of the fee (installments possible).
5. Start of the program.
If finances are a barrier to participation, please contact me to discuss possibilities.
Become a certified Mindfulness supervisor with the international Mindfulness Supervision training.
The Certificate in Mindfulness Supervision is a one-1-year program consisting of 3 modules of three days each plus a refresher meeting.
Dates for 2025 / 2026:
Module 1: February 7-9, 2025
Refresher: June 21, 2025
Module 2: September 19-21, 2025
Module 3: February 6-8, 2026
Each module runs Friday to Sunday, from 09:30-17:30 CET. The refresher meeting is on Saturday morning 09:30-13:00 hrs.
Check here to convert times to your own timezone.
This program is online.
– €1495 for the Certificate training program. (This can be paid in installments.)
Early bird discount of € 140 until September 8, 2024. The fee also includes a manual with handouts and background literature.
– Additional costs: 4 supervisions of supervision twoards the end of the program.
– No added VAT / BTW / MwSt.
NB for Dutch participants: geaccrediteerd door Mindfulness Register.
De opleiding is geaccrediteerd voor 100 punten.